
Thursday, May 6, 2010

My First "Book" Commentary

O.K. Here's a short and sweet booklet to get you started on the path to personal and relationship success: If You Think You Can...You Can! by Barbara Milo Ohrbach.

I purchased this booklet for my husband (then boyfriend) for Valentine's Day approximately 10 years ago. Try not to laugh, but I thought  that HE needed this book, when, of course, I needed it.
I thought, "how sweet and tender a gesture" to offer to the one I loved best a collection of inspiring, motivational quotes that would help him to be the best he could possibly be in his life and career. (Boy, have I learned a lot about "helping" my husband since then)

It  really is funny that I gave this book to him at all, never mind the fact that I even inscribed it with a touching dedication (there is a pre-designated spot for this on the first page) that says, To my Dearest Thomas...etc. from Natacha...etc. I'm trying not to blush right now out of embarrassment...but REALLY? I thought that would make a GREAT Valentine's present to a guy??? Maybe to a Victorian... and it'd have to be a Victorian GIRL at that.

Ok, so I really bought the book for me and didn't admit it to myself until years later... How could I not be mightily attracted to the beautiful graphic design and lettering of the book, and the quotes  that appeal to my sense of optimism and tradition?  I've kept this book close to me at all times, especially when I am working on a challenging goal and I need a little espresso shot of a, "dust yourself off, and get back on the horse." This book is filled with little verbal pick-me-ups.
Well,  we all know I should have just dedicated it to myself all along. If You Think You Can is full of beautifully lettered and scripted quotes from notables throughout history. The quotes deal primarily with optimism, goals, and success and they  fill up 63 pages. You can open the book on any given day, and on any given page find something that motivates you or bolsters your faith in yourself.

I love ALL of the quotes, and I'd put them all here if I could. Today, I've  found the  one that I feel describes me very well. The essence of this quote gives me permission to dream, and validates the yearnings I feel inside of me:

"One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar." Helen Keller

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