

I will attempt to describe what I hope this blog will be to you, the reader. I hope you will find here resources, insights, and tid-bits of encouragement, all of which I have discovered through either reading, or listening to others talk about, in books. I hope these books and my musings upon them will help you and your loved ones grow in love and joy.
I will keep you abreast of the books that I am currently reading and help to distill through commentary the most salient or common sense parts (Because, often I'll think, "UH crap, I do that, and the author says it's a No-No with a man...ooops!")
I'm sharing this with you because I hope that you share my wish to continue to strengthen myself as a woman and strengthen my relationship with my husband, and my children. For years friends have turned to me to hear the most interesting strategies, prayers, meditations, sayings, and so-ons that I have learned primarily through reading and of course real-life practice and experience. I suppose this makes me a lay-sociologist who is not at all adverse to experimenting on myself and sharing the results with others to see if they can derive any benefits! So enjoy this blog "warehouse" where I will now store the information that I used to keep in my head and share with only a few friends. I welcome you as new friends, and I hope you find at least one thing here that inspires you to grow in love.
I've been down a good many personal roads, and often they have been lonely ones. Today, I have found joy in knowing that if you pursue self-love and self -growth with the dedication of a scholar, you may not find all the answers but you will be much better off for the experience. Over and over I encounter so many truly intelligent and beautiful women who wish to live in better harmony with their selves and/ or their spouse. I include myself in this group, and I hope you will take from my experiences, insight, and the catalogue of books something good. Please understand that I firmly believe that everyone should seek out professional help when needed, and this blog is not meant in any way to replace that; it is merely a forum for ideas and growth from one woman to you.
May the books and ideas presented in the posts and pages help you to grow in love.
Have a great day!