
Friday, May 7, 2010

Relationship Health Thermometer

Have you ever wondered if there was a quick way to find out how healthy your relationship is with your spouse? Well, I think I've got it, with the following simple exercise:

Thursday, May 6, 2010

My First "Book" Commentary

O.K. Here's a short and sweet booklet to get you started on the path to personal and relationship success: If You Think You Can...You Can! by Barbara Milo Ohrbach.

I purchased this booklet for my husband (then boyfriend) for Valentine's Day approximately 10 years ago. Try not to laugh, but I thought  that HE needed this book, when, of course, I needed it.
I thought, "how sweet and tender a gesture" to offer to the one I loved best a collection of inspiring, motivational quotes that would help him to be the best he could possibly be in his life and career. (Boy, have I learned a lot about "helping" my husband since then)

Purpose of this Blog

Here are my hopes for this blog: I hope you will find here interesting resources, insights, and tid-bits of encouragement for you and also for your spouse. Much of what I have to share I have discovered through either reading books or having gone through something the hard way. I hope these books and my musings upon them will help you and your loved ones grow in love and joy.
I will keep you abreast of the books that I am currently reading and help to distill through commentary the most salient or common sense parts (Because, often I'll think, "UH crap, I do that, and the author says it's a No-No with a man...ooops!")
I'm sharing this with you because I hope that you share my wish to continue to strengthen ourselves as women and strengthen our relationship with our spouse, and our children.