
Friday, May 7, 2010

Relationship Health Thermometer

Have you ever wondered if there was a quick way to find out how healthy your relationship is with your spouse? Well, I think I've got it, with the following simple exercise:

Count the number of persons who you will confide in regularly concerning PROBLEMS you are having with your spouse (Don't include your spouse, but DO include any family members, therapists, friends, etc.) I'll post scoring groups next Friday and you can see what my "thermometer" tells you about the health of your relationship, and I'll post my results too.

Remember, this is a list of people that you will complain to about your spouse, or seek advice from concerning problems with your spouse.
Your list may look something like this: My sister, my best, friend, my mom, my dad, my hair dresser, my therapist.
So your number total would be 7
Feel free to leave a comment on your number, and I'll see you next week with the results.
Have a Great Day!


  1. Yay! I finally found where to post a comment. First of all, love your blog! Like I said in my email, I feel like I'm hanging out with you when I read it...and it's been too long since we've hung out! As for my 'thermometer number' its "1". When I'm having a problem with my husband, the only person I turn to is my husband! We're known for some pretty good discussions, heated and not, and we always prefer to go right to the 'horse's mouth' on issues.

  2. Hey Chicky! I would have predicted your number! :) I know that you and Rick have a very tight knit healthy relationship. It's apparent that your self-esteem as a woman, value in yourself as a wife, faith in God, and dedication to motherhood has proved to be an excellent combination. I think it's important to acknowledge that healthy relationships have as you said, "heated and not" discussions, so I'm glad you brought that up. Love you!
