
Monday, May 10, 2010

A Surprising Location for Inspiration

So often, I tend to expect inspiration to come from pretty likely places; a good friend, a good book, or a family member. Every once in a while it takes me by surprise. This happened today when I found some extremely moving and beautiful commentary in one of the most unlikely of places.

Today, at 3:30 pm, I found myself waiting in the gorgeous reception area of my daughter's orthodontist. She had just gone in to get her initial impressions done, and I was sitting all alone beginning to brace myself for a long and boring wait. Immediately, I though about bemoaning the fact that I'd left my cell phone at home (what if my husband wanted to call, what if a friend sends a text???...) Luckily I caught myself before the third "what if?" and told my mind to let it go, or as at least one of you readers will understand, I commanded myself to "chillax!"

Maybe this was a good thing to be cell phone free (and planner free, I might add). Maybe there is something I can learn by just sitting here quietly with nothing to do. Well I did that for about a minute. My zen sitting turned into me scanning every detail of the room, the ceiling, the art work, the TV monitors, the chairs, the wall plaques, the play area, the receptionists... OK my mind was not still, so in desperation I thought I would read the brochures that the DR. created to inform patients about the practice, and maybe this would keep me from nervously picking the cuticles of my thumb. Here is where my shock came:

The "welcome to our practice" type brochure was a wolf in sheep's clothing (if that could somehow be construed as positive). It was definitely not just a brochure on the details of an excellent orthodontic practice, this was an esoteric treaty on life and how the DR related to life and his building, practice, and his community. It was written pre-The Secret, which makes me wonder if those Secret folks didn't just swipe some of their stuff straight from the orthodontist! At one point, Dr. Krumholtz writes,

  • "I learned to believe that the universe always hears and knows what we want and need and we should patiently wait for it to be presented rather than demanding it. Our gifts would be delivered in their own way and time." 
PATIENCE. Wow, did the message come through loud and clear to me. TRUST.
I was hooked, I read more on how the office was renovated to be an organic and beautiful experience for the patient, and I'm seeing quotes from Einstein, and Thoreau. I'm in heaven here.  I am having such positive, ooey gooey, feelings about how wonderful the practice is, and how fortunate I am that I was referred here by someone whom I trust. I'm seeing clearly that the excellence represented in the physical office space is a mirror of the excellence of the staff and Drs.

  • The Dr write, "The attitudes of the staff are that their work is simply love made visible and this makes the office a joyous place to be both for the members of the office family and our visiting guests. To quote Ralph Emerson, 'everything is beautiful and everything is useful.' " 

Let us include ourselves into that divine thought, and reflect on the idea that WE are beautiful and WE are useful as mothers, wives, sisters, children, mentors, educators....

Then he goes on to draw from psalms,

  • "Blessed is he who has found his work, let him ask for no other blessedness."

Just when I think I can't get any more inspiration from this unlikely source, the last page of the brochure ends with a mission statement, and here it is word-for-word. It inspires me to truly create a focussed mission statement for myself and my life. Maybe you will write one today as well.

  • Mission Statement:
Our family-centered practice focuses on LOVE, provided in a caring, professional environment.
We pledge to support each other in our commitment to serve you.
Your orthodontic care will be of the finest quality, and your time will be valued and respected.
Our office family warmly welcomes you and your family as honored guests

I am truly touched by this, and I am thrilled to see how Dr. Krumholtz's INTENTION for love, excellence, work, and family is abundantly apparent in the day-to-day running of the practice. If you know of this practice personally, Dr. Krumholtz passed away fairly recently. In fact right before my daughter's first appointment. The practice is now run by Dr. Statler who worked with Dr. Krumholtz for a long time, and is a beacon of energy herself, and continues to maintain the wonderful atmosphere of excellence.

All this spontaneous inspiration reminds me to be mindful that maybe if I am distressed to be without my cell phone, I might need to think long and hard about why that might be.

Have a great day!

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